A coffee shop and bookstore in Katonah, NY
We carry 1000s of titles for ALL ages, along with games, toys, and gifts. We host regular in-store storytimes and love talking to customers of all ages about books — ask us for a recommendation!
We serve fair trade, organic coffees, and teas, including delicious cappuccinos and lattes. We offer amazing baked goods — rolls, muffins, scones, cookies, and croissants. We have healthy snacks for our commuters, ice cream treats all summer, and take-out items from The Reading Room daily. Our cases and counters are overflowing with cookies, brownies, fruit, yogurt choices, hummus, dried fruits and nuts, pretzels, biscotti, an abundance of cold beverage options, and more.
You can follow us on Instagram @littlejoescb, like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter…that way you won’t miss a thing.
Even better, come on into the store and ask us for help. We’re always happy to provide recommendations and information, or read a book to your little ones!