Make Your Business Stand Out
Take advantage of the enhanced tools to extend the reach of your listing.
Listing Statistics
Statistics are critical for business owners to better understand their customers and build more meaningful relationships. Our intuitive User Dashboard provides insights into critical data points for business owners.
- Monitor recent activity
- Gain insights about user views on your listings
- Access customer leads
- Keep tabs on your listing reviews

Promote Your Events
Promote upcoming events using our Event Promotion tool.
Listing your event is easy. From your dashboard select the New Event form and fill out all of the required data fields. Once saved, your event will appear on your listing. If you use an event booking system on your own website or a third-party system such as EventBrite, you can simply link to these platforms for ticket purchases.
This tool is a great way to promote upcoming events, product launches, workshops.

Discount Coupons and Deals
Drive more business by offering unlimited deals & coupons to your visitors. Set countdown times to create a sense of urgency. Showcase in various styles and positions to best fit your need.
Discount Coupons and Deals are easy to create, simply select Discounts/Deals from your dashboard and complete the online form.

Manage Your Listings
Your Dashboard provides you with the necessary tools to create and manage your business and product listings.
- View all your active listings
- Upgrade or downgrade any of your listings at any time.
- Edit your listings so that they constantly remain fresh and engaging.
Tip: It is a great idea to add new gallery images every few months.

Lead Generation & Reviews
Lead forms are a great way for potential customers to get in touch with you.
Lead Generation/Contact forms are enabled on your listings allowing you to quickly and easily generate potential leads. All enquirers sent via this form will appear in your Dashboard Inbox. You can reply to messages directly from within your message center when a lead is generated via the lead forms.
Your Review Center provides you with easy access to all reviews left on your listings, empowering you to keep control of feedback provided.
- Customers can leave a rating and write a review
- Customers can upload images
- Customers can vote (interesting, lol or love) on a comment
- A Business owner can reply once to any review
As per industry best practice, a business owner is not able to delete any reviews left on their listings (only site admin can). If your business or product received a 3 star rating or less you will be notified in your message center.

Advertising Management
Create and manage Advertising Campaigns to attract new customers.
Generate more leads with Targeted Advertising on many locations throughout the site. From home page ads to listing details page, we have it all covered.
Ads can be displayed on the home page above the fold, listing details sidebar, and in the search result with organic results.
Display your ads to customers searching for a specific category, tag (keyword) or feature in a specific location using Random Ads, Listing Detail Page Ads, Search and Taxonomy Ads, and Targeted Advertising.